© Oskar Helcel

Dauer: 30 Minuten

Tickets: 12,- / 10,- (erm.)

Gespielt am:

Mi 16.12.2020
Mi 16.12.2020
Mi 16.12.2020
Do 17.12.2020
Do 17.12.2020
Do 17.12.2020

Die Vorstellung ist nonverbal

Facebook: facebook.com/events/800160543857580

Concept, direction, set design:
Dominik Migač

Jakub Maksymov

Mr. Wombat Studio

Dominik Migač, Jakub Maksymov

Plata Company + mir.theatre (CZ)


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"Prefaby" ist ein originelles Bild- und Ton-Projekt, das auf dem Untergrund eines Formica (Resopal-)Tischs frei variierende Motive des alltäglichen Lebens in einem Wohnblock aus Betonfertigteilhäusern entwirft und den Plattenbau als Symbol des erfüllten Traumes von modernem Wohnen in den Ländern des ehemaligen Ostblocks aufgreift.

Der Wohnblock ist eine vorapokalyptische Beton Idylle, die durch die Geschichten dreier namenloser Nachbarn Gestalt annimmt. Prefaby erzählt mit außergewöhnlichen Mitteln von einer fragilen Gewöhnlichkeit.

Für Zuschauer ab 12 Jahren.

Supported by Nová síť and Czech - German Fund of Future in the frame of PRALIN project.

"Prefaby" is an original visual and sound project, set on a formic table, freely varying motifs of everyday life in a block of flats (prefabricated concrete houses) a symbol of a fulfilled dream of modern living in the countries of the former Eastern Bloc. It is also pre?apocalyptic concrete idyll based on the stories of three nameless neighbours. This project talks about their fragile ordinariness by extraordinary means.

For audience 12+.

Supported by Nová síť and Czech - German Fund of Future in the frame of PRALIN project.

Fotos: Oskar Helcel

Dominik Migac is an actor and experimenter in the field of object and material theatre. As a creator and performer, he has already drawn attention to several projects, such as µSputnik. He is currently engaged in the Lampion Theatre. His specialty is small puppets.

Jakub Maksymov is a freelance theatre director. He is keen on puppet and object theatre. He regularly cooperates with the Lampion Theatre in Kladno and several others in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Serbia. Together with Dominik they are founding members of the independent theatre group Plata Company, within which the productions Thousand Dozens or Thunder. Enter the three witches were created. Prefab is the fourth project they did together. 

Mr. Wombat is platform of five sound designers and also friends. It focuses primarily on the alternative scene and supports young, independent artists. The aim of the studio is not to do simple sound service, but together with the artists push their boundaries and their abilities and knowledge.

Supported by Nová síť and Czech - German Fund of Future in the frame of PRALIN project.